Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bad breath treatment - some simple options

Bad breath can be embarrassing and it may take some time to be rid of it. It can have a dramatic impact on a person's life as some people will even avoid talking or going out in public because they have bad breath. The following information can be helpful to people who have this issue.

Halitosis can be a sign of some form of periodontal disease or some other medical condition. Therefore, one of the most effective long-term care options is to consult a dentist. If there are any signs of disease, the dentist may advise some surgical or hygiene procedures. The following is some general information that can alleviate a bad breath condition.

Most people brush their teeth but all the brushing in the world is not going to help if the problem is at a place where the toothbrush cannot reach. Food particles stuck in between the teeth encourage the growth of bacteria as the food is literally putrefying inside your mouth. The obvious solution for this problem is flossing your teeth.

Cleaning your tongue
The cleaning of the tongue is as important as brushing the teeth and this often gets overlooked. If the tongue is not cleaned it develops a coating over a period of time called biofilm which can cause bad breath. The tongue can be cleaned using a tongue-scraper or you can just brush it with your toothbrush.

Changing your diet
Any high protein diet has a tendency for causing bad breath. Bad breath is usually more common amongst people who have a predominantly non-vegetarian diet. It is good idea to include a lot vegetables and greens and cut down on the meat intake to reduce bad breath. This change is not only an option for bad breath treatment, but may be good for your overall health.